Friday, September 4, 2009

beginnings...we all have them.

well I keep seeing these great blogs online and I thought..I should do that, seems like it would be a good way to preserve this special time before the baby comes instead of writing in a journal. I type way faster anyways. It seems doable right now since I'm laying in bed waiting for little "H" to arrive. Only 22 more days until our due date. "T" is set to come home on Sept 17th...woohoo. I can't wait. I miss him. I know he'll only be here for 15 days and then he has to go back but anytime I get with my love I am so grateful for.

I've been working on some projects and I thought I'd post some for some feed back..if I should get any..still making friends on this blogger thing. I'm really proud of them and I'm really enjoying getting to do a new thing.

Well...Here is to new beginnings!

Little Miss "H"'s Blanket, I had never done a letter before but I think for my first try and no pattern I did quite well

We have a friend who moved to Colorado before getting to have a baby shower so I wanted to send her something special for her little girl, Baby "C" she is doing the pink and brown which I think is super cute but T did not want overwhelming pink in H's room so we did yellow and green, which I love so It was a good compromise :)

and last but certainly not least, I did a granny square after much searching I found a lovely blog called: do you mind if I knit and she had photos and everything! So my goal of wanting to learn was achieved. I love it. I'm not sure if I'm going to give it as a gift, lord knows we have been blessed with an abundance of baby blankets but for some reason I just can't let it go...
Well I think that this is a pretty good post for a first one. :) Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up!
Enjoying the Quiet,


  1. Congrats on expecting your first child. A big Thank U to your husband for serving and protecting our country!

    I know you must really miss the hubbie, it not easy being alone when your PG, I know I did the same when PG with my first child who is now 23.

    Your letters look great and as for the last Afghan you did a beautiful job and I would keep it for myself definitely.

    Look forward to future blogs.

    So baby H is going to be a girl?

  2. Yes! A baby girl ;) We are very excited, thank you for your kind words. I think I am going to keep it for We have a friend who is having a baby boy so that would be must easier to give I'm really enjoying reading your blog! Have a great evening!
