Friday, September 25, 2009

he's home!

well my love is home from Iraq, hence no posting. however now he is visiting family in Illinois for great grandma's 100th birthday. I didn't want him to go but how do you say no.

Little H is still waiting ha ha...we have an appointment and if she isn't her by Tuesday they are going to start looking at inducing. so..keep us in prayer!

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

fall fall fall...

well guess who is in kuwait! My T! I am on cloud nine, more so for him now he can get a little relaxation and rest, he should be here late late late tomorrow or Mondayish. It's driving me crazy. We have a friend who is in from Iraq and staying with us too. They are probably going to miss each other but they actually get to see each other while they are in Iraq so it's ok.

Needless to say to keep myself busy...I've been making projects. Ha ha...I came up with this today for my little H. I absolutely love fall. Colors, leaves, cool weather, pumpkin pie, thanksgiving, sweaters...and I live in Texas..which means Fall doesn't work out too well for me. I would love to visit where T is from in Illinois more during fall. We went last September it was nice but this September we have our little h so no traveling here.

I also made a bear hat like I did for A but for a friend who is having a little girl. It's a little big but I made a lip on it so they could fold it up. I also put pink in the ears instead of the tan, so it looks more girlie girl. I'm going to see if I can make a Frog looking ones for the big brothers...gotta remember those little guys too. seems like their first one was just arriving now they will have three!! Time goes by so fast.

I'm thinking about maybe putting them on etsy but I don't know..maybe. Maybe after our little H comes. I would want to make sure I can commit to it ya know? I also finished this project a few nights ago for N for his 1st Birthday!

Well today is 39 Saturday is our Due hopeful we'll have a baby soon and a name reveal...

Have a Happy Saturday Blog World


Friday, September 18, 2009

cute hat

so while little a slept i made her this cute hat! I had seen it online but couldn't find a pattern so I thought....I could totally do that and I did! Was it perfect no but I did it..I just went for it and I have to say that I think it's way cute! Helps that she is a pretty adorable baby.

T's flight got moved. so upset. He should be home right now but there are no flights until sunday or after Monday. so i'm being patiently. I had a check up yesterday we are still the same, which works out to be ok because now we'll be closer to the date and T will have more time will our little h. : ) really can't wait until she comes.
well i have errands to run, movie to take back, last minute welcome home stuff : ) Hope the blog world has a great day!
Happy Friday

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2 days!

2 days until T comes home. I am truly excited. He's helping with a different job so I haven't gotten a phone call or an email in a I sent him an email..he told me I was psycho but he still loves me. ha ha. I guess I got a glimpse at those wives who aren't so fortunate to have their husbands call all the time. I am truly blessed.

11 days until H's due date. feels like forever. Today I feel really achey and my throat is sore. i don't like it one bit. luckily little baby a who I watch has been very kind to me. She slept in until about 8 and then went down for a morning nap at 10:30 ish. granted she didn't eat to much breakfast ..she wouldn't eat the applesauce but gulped down those peas. she is so cute. her mom had a rough morning. if you think about it breathe a prayer for her.

so i'm just resting...chillin. i should be probably packing and such but i have it done for the most part. i'm sure i'll forget something, i'll just send my sis or T to wal mart or home (we only live like 15 minutes from our nice right???)

I'm really trying to keep up with this bloggie to watch tv and work on N blanket, it's almost ready to be put together, i'll put up photos later tonight!

Have a great day blog world!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Happy Friday! How could you not smile when you get to spend all day with this sweet smile :) of course taken right after a nap...he he he..

Doc appointment went good, all the same no changes which is ok with me because T comes home in 6 days...woohoo. I miss my love. I toured Labor and Delivery, feeling really positive about it, keeping my head of up and being optimistic.

Welp it's late so I'm gonna head in..watching old survivor episodes in honor of the new one coming on..I love that show!!

sweet dreams

Thursday, September 10, 2009

different types of yarn

so recently i think i have found myself in a rut, I am loving my little baby blankets but wanting to venture out and try something I bought a book. I know brilliant. I try. lol anyways..turns out I'm not the greatest at reading the patterns! but i did try to work on this market bag for about an hour, I'll definitely come back to it until then, i figure, keep working in basic stitches and the new skill i just learned and if I can't figure out the pattern maybe there is a class or a video online for the crochet challenged. But either way I have decided not to give up!

I did buy a different type of yarn, I'm such a newbie! My sister and I were talking about this blanket my mom has as her house that was like a staple of winter cozy up blankets when we were know the one you all fight over but it's more than big enough to cover all of you! She was saying how she never liked the feel of I threw one of the granny squares I was making that is in a cotton yarn but not in an acrylic, she said...oh..that's nice. I want a blanket out of that one...ha I'm learning.

Not too much going on here at the mcwescotts....watching little baby a waiting on our own to get here. seems like every other pregnant woman i know is going into labor early or they are dilated and here I sit all almost 38 weeks preggo. ha ha...but T comes home in 7 days so I can wait...just trying not to be jealous...he he he...

I took some cute photos of little miss a but my camera is in the other room and shes down for a nap, I'll have to post them later... i'm trying to be good and rest when she rest...

Have a most wonderful day!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hello Tuesday

So little A went home early, which is nice for her mom (who is just a few weeks pregnant). So it's just me and the other babies (the pups) I actually think I may go and chill in bed and watch some old Survivor Episodes, I am working on some squares for my psuedo nephew's 1st birthday (I may never end up with nieces and nephews of my own so I have to snatch them up from our friends..ha ha), H (my mentioned she would like one when she saw me working on our little H's. (they don't have the same So I thought I'd try a little boy one, at least I know I won't end up keeping it! lol

Hope everyone had a great Labor day! I'm just glad ours wasn't a true labor day...9 days until T is home and 18 until little h's due date. Can not wait!

Hope your Tuesday doesn't feel like a Monday

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lazy Saturday

36 weeks and 4 days...and today we are 36 and 6 days..
12 days until T comes home for R and R, 21 days until "H"'s due date
I love lazy Saturdays. I watched a little baby last night so my sister and her friend could go out for a fun night. She has been coming during the week, and will again next week. She's 9 months. Good Practice for Miss H. She's a very good baby and I think she is getting used to our little routine, and she makes the most adoreable sounds and faces. She is for sure a happy baby, can you tell I'm quite It makes me anxious for our own to hurry up and get here! lol

Did lots of walking at Wal-Mart with my sister today, we needed groceries. I'm very thankful to have her living with us, which if you would have asked me that when we were little I would have has a whole different opinion. It's funny how things change as you grow up.

I think I have decided to keep the pink blanket...the little baby I'm watching has grown to like it and it's a good throw for the floor to play on. She likes to put her little fingers in the It's cute. So I've decided to make one for a friend who is having a little boy. Her husband is deployed with T and we became friends via email, because of our family readiness group. We haven't had a chance to actually sit down and chat but we are hoping to soon. Life is just busy!

Well I'm heading off to do...nothing. It's lazy Saturday...

Friday, September 4, 2009

beginnings...we all have them.

well I keep seeing these great blogs online and I thought..I should do that, seems like it would be a good way to preserve this special time before the baby comes instead of writing in a journal. I type way faster anyways. It seems doable right now since I'm laying in bed waiting for little "H" to arrive. Only 22 more days until our due date. "T" is set to come home on Sept 17th...woohoo. I can't wait. I miss him. I know he'll only be here for 15 days and then he has to go back but anytime I get with my love I am so grateful for.

I've been working on some projects and I thought I'd post some for some feed back..if I should get any..still making friends on this blogger thing. I'm really proud of them and I'm really enjoying getting to do a new thing.

Well...Here is to new beginnings!

Little Miss "H"'s Blanket, I had never done a letter before but I think for my first try and no pattern I did quite well

We have a friend who moved to Colorado before getting to have a baby shower so I wanted to send her something special for her little girl, Baby "C" she is doing the pink and brown which I think is super cute but T did not want overwhelming pink in H's room so we did yellow and green, which I love so It was a good compromise :)

and last but certainly not least, I did a granny square after much searching I found a lovely blog called: do you mind if I knit and she had photos and everything! So my goal of wanting to learn was achieved. I love it. I'm not sure if I'm going to give it as a gift, lord knows we have been blessed with an abundance of baby blankets but for some reason I just can't let it go...
Well I think that this is a pretty good post for a first one. :) Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up!
Enjoying the Quiet,